I have a pretty broad spectrum of interests. I'm not always such a girly girl, infact most of my friends would consider me a bit of a tomboy and a huge nerd (with pleasure!). I'm a Scorpio and I definitely match my sign (sometimes a gift, most of the time a curse). I'm 25. I love photography. I'm Swedish/German/Native American decent and I'm obsessed with Asian culture, art and food. Favorite food is Sushi & Mexican...mmm chips & salsa!

I'm a huge Beauty product Junkie! I have tried thousands of products so I am excited to put out some reviews on my favorite stuff! I'm a Shopoholic and have a Shoe/Handbag obsession. My style is anything from Karma Loop, Pac Sun, Urban Outfitters, Victoria's Secret, Express, Nordstroms, Target, Ebay to Thrift Store. I have too much Black in my closet and I'm trying to lighten it up as I get older. I love neutrals with bold accessories. After spending $$$$$ on getting my hair done, I decided to learn how to bleach my own hair and will try and cut my own hair ect. ( I don't necessarily recommend this, but there's nothing wrong with it, if you're achieving the look you like when someone else won't or can't see your vision, though it upsets some hairdressers, it's perfectly acceptable. :) I'm a DIY'er kind of girl! I try to live through channeling the positive in everything and eating healthy is important to me :)
My Stats for Product Reviews:
SKIN TYPE: Combination Dry and Oily. Oily in T-Zone/Dry in the other. Occasional cystic acne moderate breakouts during TOTM.
HAIR TYPE: Beach Blonde, Fine/Damaged, Dry/Semi-Oily, Long, Straight, Layered (Long were the days my hair was naturally Brown, thick, and super healthy, how I miss my virgin hair!)
EYE COLOR: I had Blue Eyes, Blue-Green Eyes and now they're straight up Green. Weird right?
I try to be as dynamic as possible when reviewing products but remember that not everyone's chemistry is the same and maybe something that works for me, might not work as well for another person and visa verse. :)
Thanks for reading! I look forward to sharing some great content and meeting some new friends!
Lots of Love,
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